Will Gord U-turn over the referendum?

Will Gord U-turn over the referendum?

mori referendum.JPG

    Ipsos-Mori finds 81% in favour the EU treaty being put to the vote

The second part of today’s Ipsos-Mori poll for the Sun asked about whether there should be a referendum on the EU treaty and how people would vote.

The above are the findings to both questions – an overwhelming majority wanting a referendum and a much closer view on what voters would do in the event of such a ballot.

The hard message for the government is that this issue is not going to go away. All the Sun’s political coverage seems to be tinged with this issue.

    But could Gord get away with a change of policy? He would be lauded by the Sun but would, surely, lose out in other ways given his opposition until now. It’s a hard call.

The detail now up on the Ipsos-Mori website on the poll shows that it was not carried out in the same way as the standard monthly surveys from the pollster. The sample size was about half and interviews were carried out over the phone. Yet the sampling methodology, going for a specific quota of the types of people they want, was the same. The fieldwork took place on August 8/9.

Mike Smithson

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