Is one of Gordon’s cabinet a leaker to the Tories?

Is one of Gordon’s cabinet a leaker to the Tories?

Mail on Sunday

Could two Labour ministers be giving secret tip-offs?

Potentially the most explosive story in the Sunday papers is a long report in the Mail on Sunday in which the Tories are saying that they have received direct leaks from the heart of Gordon Brown’s cabinet.

A letter to Brown from shadow minister, Chris Grayling, is reproduced in the paper and there’s little doubt that this steps up the ante in the ongoing leaks row. For it suggests that two ministers – one a current cabinet member – having been passing over information.

The issue relates to the relationship between the charity, the Smith Institute, Gordon Brown and Ed Balls in the period before the last election when Balls had become a PPC and had to step down as an advisor to Brown. The question, which has been brewing for months, is whether the institute was involved in “party political activity inappropriate for a charity”

It hard to think that Grayling – Cameron’s leading attack dog – would have moved on this without the full backing of his boss and without having the evidence to back it up.

In the meantime the focus is diverted away from the economy and I wonder which party comes out best from that?

If this is how politics will operate in the run-up to the general election let’s hope that Gordon does wait until 2010. Once the election is resolved there’ll be no more fun!

Mike Smithson

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